Burma Displaced

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Burma Displaced (Trailer)

Im Vielvölkerstaat Burma haben es Minderheiten nicht leicht. Sie werden systematisch verfolgt und enteignet. Missbraucht und ermordet. Wer kann, der flieht.

BURMA DISPLACED sucht Menschen, die aus Burma geflohen sind. Und findet sie in unterschiedlichen Situationen, als illegale Arbeiter in den benachbarten Ländern, in Flüchtlingslagern in Bangladesch, als Touristenattraktion in Thailand und einsam in den Schweizer Bergen.

Burma lives on only in their memories.


We traveled to the Burmese border in northern Thailand and Bangladesh for this film. In Thailand we visited legal and illegal refugee camps on both sides of the border, had countless conversations and heard incredible stories about torture, war and human rights abuses in Burma. The mood wasn't good, but it wasn't hopeless either. People still have dreams that they live and that keep them alive. They find support in Thailand from many NGOs, such as that of the South Tyrolean BENNO RÖGGLA with HELP WITHOUT FRONTIERS whose slogan "A ray of hope" is symptomatic of the situation there: light at the end of the tunnel.

In Bangladesh we accompanied a photographer who works for a Rohingya news agency. With him we come to an illegal refugee camp that has formed on the edge of the official UNHCR refugee camp

An estimated 20,000 people live here alone in miserable conditions, under plastic sheeting, without clean drinking water and without basic medical care. They are the ones who have less than nothing and the stories they tell us sound like the instructions for the planned genocide

ORF Kulturmontag

A few days later we meet the highest representatives of the Rohingya government in exile in Chiattagong. It's a group of respectable elderly men, real gentlemen. We are greeted warmly and treated hospitably according to Islamic tradition. We do some interviews but get sadder and sadder. Because the mood is also resigned here. Although they dream of a Rohingya state in a free Burma, deep down they too have probably given up hope.

More Info at the Website BURMA DISPLACED

Making Of

Burenstr. 27
8020 GRAZ